The male gaze is when the camera is focused on the female body, treating it as an object of erotic desire. She claimed it was representative of modern society.
She also believes in the triple gaze. This is where the camera focuses on a female figure in some way, which is then seen by the audience.
This can be shown as below.
Audience <---- Camera<------ Female figure.
This can be seen in Rihanna's video shut up and drive.
This can be seen at various points in the video that the video is made to focus on a male orientated audience.
To begin with, even in an enviroment such as a garage, the women wear gratuitous clothing for the male gaze.
Further male gaze is evidenced is the fact that there are repeated shots of Rhianna in sexual poses.
As you can see, the above pictures were taken from the favour of a male perspective, as you can see this is a prime example of male gaze, as Rihanna does provocative poses for the male audience, which is then picked up by the camera and displayed much to the detriment of female audience members
This is not just limited to music however. Mulvey's theories are also prevalent in movies as well. These can clearly be seen in the following clips from James Bond.
In the first video, Mulvey's theory of the male gaze is taken to literal extreme, with Brosnen looking at Berry through the binoculars, emerging from the water in a very sexual manner, for the entertainment of male members of the audience.
Also seen in the second clip with Sean Connery watches Ursula come out the ocean. again primarily to appeal to male audiences. As with Laura's theory this brings home the fact that there is gratuitous sexualisation of women in the media.
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