Saturday, 27 September 2014

Types of Bands: Organic and synthetic

When it comes to music producing records, there are two kinds of music, not in terms of genre, but in terms of production.

  Organic bands are when the band ids in charge. They are in charge off the music they make, when they make it, and who with, It is then the record labels job to produce and market the music. With this, the bands are primary. A good example of this would be  the Beatles. One of the main marketing themes for them is the fact that are long knowing friends that formed themselves together.  This lead to production of such songs as yellow submarine, one of their most famous hits.

   Synthetic bands are the opposite. Instead of the bands making the music, and he labels selling it, it is instead the labels looking for a hole in the market, or seeing what currently is trending well and making the most,, and then using bands to fill this hole, and make as much money in the process of doing so.  An example of this would be one direction a band pulled together by the industry after their stint on the x factor. This lead to the production of songs such as what makes you beautiful:

1 comment:

  1. Level 2
    You need detailed examples of both sorts Darren to achieve Level 3/4.
    Mr Johnson
