Friday, 6 February 2015

Location sheet

Location Visit Sheet

Programme Title: Seven days music video
Client: Connor, Darren and Grant
Writer: Seven days
Producer: Grant
Director: Darren
Date: 11/11/14

Rough Sketch/Explanation of location and key points to note
We want to film in some built up area to add pace to the scene and also a wide-open spaced area.

Access to location via: We will use public transport in order to get to the location(s) that we want the film our video in.

Name and number of location contact: As we are filming in a public place there is no need for a location contact.

 Health and Safety Issues to note:

      Always be careful when working on wet ground to avoid slipping. As we are in a public place there will be obstacles that we will need to avoid e.g. lamp posts and cars.
Potential Filming Problems:

      Members of the public may cause a problem as we will have to avoid getting them in shot, which could be difficult especially in the built up locations that we were planning on filming.

Additional Notes: keep an eye on the weather forecast as we don’t want to risk damaging any camera equipment.
Camera, Tripod and a monopod.
Potentially a dolly

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