Friday, 27 February 2015

Record labels

The industry today is covered by 4 major record labels, those being:

Sony music

   Warner bros.:

Emi (Owned by Virgin)

 And Universal: 

Image result for universal logo

   Major independents
The major independents include;
Columbia-This is owned by Sony Music
Island-This is owned by Universal
Syco-This is owned by Sony Music
RCA-Owned by Sony Entertainment
Virgin-This is owned by Universal

Monday, 9 February 2015

Progress of filming and editing

    First of all we had a production meeting to discuss ideas for us to go and film, when, and where.

We planned to film our music video project over the christmas holiday. However due to various circumstance, with recurring themes. However, we have managed finally to get some filming done, however, we have not been able to get as diverse an area or as much filming as we would like. however, we have managed to find some symbolism within our shots, making the best of a bad situation.

    Our decisions were limited by time and locations, due to members of our team not having a lot of transportation outside of walking, and and a looming deadline assured that we had to take whatever footage we could grab, and worry about the quality of which later.

      On day 1 of filming we went over Hanault forest. however, due to our mistakes, instead of lip synching the full song, we only got about a minutes worth of footage per time. This means that although we got some decent footage whilst we was out, we had to go and get some more. This was fine as we had to go out and get some urban shots. There we got some shots of walking from different angles, to fit with the general theme of the song.

   To finish the first bout of filming, we went and got some shots of us in the band room, to imitate the look of people playing instruments. however, due to a minor mix up between shots,  two of the members swapped instruments, and due a filming taking place at a later date, there was a sudden change of clothing halfway through.

   Then we came to our first editing session. We were struggling to put together a coherent piece with accurate lip synching, so we had to go out and get more footage, especially of the band, since our current produce was disappointing with neither the lip synching or instrument playing being any good. However after we re-did the shots, it came out looking much better.

    We needed some more shots to amplify the feel of the music, so we went out to Valence park, and did some recording there, namely on the different pieces of equipment.  Some of this was removed from the final product for looking too out of place.

   Then came editing. As we edited, we came to several conclusions. As we edited, our band rooms, we had several problems with our footage. First of all, inconsistencies. The clothes of several of our band members changed clothes in between shots. We had to also redo our project, incorporate the new footage in with the old footage. As we edited we had two different projects. The rough, which is our testing to see how we could incorporate the different footage, and the proper project, which has refinements, as well as the final transitions.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Location sheet

Location Visit Sheet

Programme Title: Seven days music video
Client: Connor, Darren and Grant
Writer: Seven days
Producer: Grant
Director: Darren
Date: 11/11/14

Rough Sketch/Explanation of location and key points to note
We want to film in some built up area to add pace to the scene and also a wide-open spaced area.

Access to location via: We will use public transport in order to get to the location(s) that we want the film our video in.

Name and number of location contact: As we are filming in a public place there is no need for a location contact.

 Health and Safety Issues to note:

      Always be careful when working on wet ground to avoid slipping. As we are in a public place there will be obstacles that we will need to avoid e.g. lamp posts and cars.
Potential Filming Problems:

      Members of the public may cause a problem as we will have to avoid getting them in shot, which could be difficult especially in the built up locations that we were planning on filming.

Additional Notes: keep an eye on the weather forecast as we don’t want to risk damaging any camera equipment.
Camera, Tripod and a monopod.
Potentially a dolly