Monday, 12 January 2015

Narrative theory

   Narrative theory is the way is way the story is organised, and is generally broken down into several segments by Tzvetan Todorov
  Equilibrium is the balance, or peacefulness before the conflict, which then leads into the disruption, the problem which then leads to a resolution, the conflict ending by some means, creating the new equilibrium, which is not the same as the old equilibrium, as the characters and scenario have been changed due the events of the films.

   There is also a varying amount of side-plots, with typical hollywood story-lines primarily focusing on the main story, however in some films such as snatch, there is less focus on a singular overall story, and multiple sub plots.

  This is the standard operating model of most hollywood films of today, the basic
New equilibrium

   This can even be applied to the thriller we did previously. Our thriller is a linear product, however, ors does not have much equilibrium,ad is quickly brought to the disruption, with not enough time for a long-term resolution, and no new equilibrium, and finishes before we reach resolution, therefore our thriller is stuck in the enigma stage.

      Roland Barthes described all text are complex bundles which can be either open or closed texts, which means the ending or message is either open, meaning open to interpretation, or closed meaning that the ending is definite, not open to forms of interpretations. An open text film would be a film such as inception or total recall. Most modern hollywood films come under closed text.
     Texts that can be read in a number of ways are considers polysemic texts.
   Vladimir prop also states that in all movies there are 8 character roles.
   6. Dispatcher
   8. False hero.

Hero: Eminem
Villain: Stan
Equilibrium. though it may not be positive equilibrium, the status quo is Stan the obsessive fan. this is an example of a negative equilibrium. 

Disruption, though in this case, the disruption is more of an amplification of the equilibrium. 

The resolution is a negative resolution, making the whole theme overall negative. 

Donor: Eminem
Helper: Stan's wife/gf
Father: Eminem
Princess: Eminem
False hero:
  Todorov theory can be applied to this song as well. Despite being a state of turmoil, the equilibrium is that Stan is desperately trying to get Eminem to notice him. This then leads to the disruption of Eminem not noticing either his messages or his public appearances. Through a series of events, the issue is resolved when Stan kills himself and his girlfriend. the new equilibrium is that his little brother is following in his steps.

   Finally, the ending of this is an example of Roland Barthe's, open end theory, since it ends with the little brother following in his brothers footsteps, leading to possibly multiple endings to what later happens.

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